Thursday, August 9, 2007

Artist Statement

My grids represent the compartmentalization of civilization reflecting prescribed apportioned locations for living, working, and culture. Repetitive hand-drawn lines become a record of an investigative experience within a world of systems both natural and synthetic. Each mark represents a descriptive unit of time. The sum of the marks is a unique visual record: the art action. These modest, anti-virtuosic objects are a contrast to a hyper-visual culture. Instead these works are concerned with time, subtle variation, and small influences. The characteristics and limitations of materials from the art supply store: pre-folded canvas and drawing materials with a predetermined color selection affect the look of the final object. Materials, environment, and artist all influence each other on objective and subjective levels. The end result is an easily transportable object, which does not exist in a preserved ideal state. They are continually updated with each opening and refolding, further recording the interactions between the material and user.

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